Safe internal data sharing and data reuse is enabled by differential privacy

Assure secure internal data sharing, and enable increased insights. Tumult Labs uses differentialprivacy to facilitate safe data sharing and data reuse.

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Why is differential privacy ideal for internal data sharing and reuse?

Differential privacy is ideal for internal data sharing and reuse because it balances strong privacy protection with data utility. Key advantages include:

  • Mathematical guarantees: offers a measurable privacy level, ensuring individual privacy risk doesn't increase with data analysis.

  • Flexibility and scalability: adaptable across various data types and uses, suitable for financial, customer, or employee data, allowing for protected yet valuable analysis.

  • Protection against re-identification: reduces re-identification risks in datasets from multiple sources, safeguarding individual privacy even when data is combined or reused differently.

Differential privacy promotes innovation and collaboration in organizations by enabling secure data sharing and reuse, upholding privacy commitments.



Adapt to changing data landscapes

As data collection grows, privacy measures must evolve. Differential privacy allows organizations to adjust their data practices over time without raising privacy risks.


Preserve data utility

Maintain data utility for analysis and protect privacy. Organizations can gain insights and make informed decisions from shared and reused data without compromising personal information.


Meet regulatory standards

Differential privacy ensures compliance by offering strong, demonstrable privacy protection, crucial for internal data sharing in regulated sectors and use cases.


Joseph P. Near & David Darais
“Guidelines for Evaluating Differential Privacy Guarantees” NIST Special Publication
“Data analytics is becoming an essential tool to help organizations make sense of the enormous volume of data being generated by information technologies. (...) However, when the data being analyzed relates to or affects individuals, privacy risks can arise. These privacy risks can limit or prevent entities from realizing the full potential of data.”


Differential privacy supports significant additional solutions for your organization.

Systematize disclosure avoidance

With the increasing sophistication of data re-identification techniques, differential privacy offers a proven mathematical guarantee, ensuring that shared data remains anonymous even in the face of advanced data analysis techniques.

Assure safe external data sharing and publishing

Differential privacy enables the safe use of sensitive data for advanced analytics, machine learning models, and AI to predict market trends, customer behavior, risk assessment, and more.

Unlock new data collaboration opportunities with clean rooms

Facilitate safer data sharing with partners for more accurate measurement and analysis, without compromising user privacy.

Guarantee data monetization

Use differential privacy to aggregate and analyze large datasets without compromising the integrity of individuals.

case studies

700 staff and contractors support Wikimedia projects, communities, donors, and readers.

Revealing Wikipedia usage data while protecting privacy

Social web

Wikipedia’s volunteers want a systematic way to prioritize where to focus their work. Which entries are being read most? By which readers where?
DP was the technology that solved for the twin, and potentially contradictory, goals of privacy preservation and actionable insights.

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How does differential privacy affect the utility and accuracy of our data analyses?


Differential privacy introduces a balance between protecting individual privacy and maintaining data utility by adding controlled noise to data or query results. This approach ensures privacy is safeguarded while still allowing for statistically meaningful analyses, though it requires careful calibration to minimize the impact on data accuracy.

Can we control the trade-off between privacy protection and data utility?


Yes, the trade-off between privacy protection and data utility in differential privacy can be controlled through the adjustment of privacy parameters, such as the privacy budget (epsilon). By fine-tuning these parameters, organizations can decide on the level of noise added to the data, balancing the need for privacy with the requirement for useful, accurate data analysis.

How will differential privacy impact our ability to share data internally?


Differential privacy enhances the ability to share data internally by applying mathematical guarantees to protect individual privacy, enabling the safe dissemination of data for analysis and decision-making. It allows for broader access to sensitive data within an organization, without compromising the confidentiality of individual records, thereby facilitating collaboration and innovation.

What level of training will our staff need to effectively implement and manage differential privacy?


Implementing differential privacy effectively requires a foundational understanding of its principles and techniques, necessitating targeted training for staff, particularly those in data management and analysis roles. Tumult can offer your team training programs to cover the foundations of differential privacy, its practical application, and the balance between data utility and privacy.

How can we ensure that our differential privacy implementation remains effective against future privacy threats and advances in data analysis techniques?


To ensure that your differential privacy implementation remains effective against evolving privacy threats and advances in data analysis techniques, it's crucial to adopt a dynamic approach that includes regular updates to your privacy parameters and algorithms based on the latest research and threat intelligence.

Unleash the power and value of your data.